Rule 1
Abbreviated Expressions
1.1 Abbreviated Expressions
For the purposes of these Regulations:
(i) "1934 Act" means the Act signed at London on June 2, 1934, of the Hague Agreement Concerning the International Deposit of Industrial Designs;
(ii) "1960 Act" means the Act signed at The Hague on November 28, 1960, of the Hague Agreement Concerning the International Deposit of Industrial Designs;
(iii) "Agreement" means the 1934 Act and/or the 1960 Act;
(iv) "Hague Union" means the Union established by the Hague Agreement Concerning the International Deposit of Industrial Designs;
(v) "Contracting State" means any State bound by the 1934 Act but not by the 1960 Act, or by the 1934 Act and by the 1960 Act, or by the 1960 Act but not by the 1934 Act;
(vi) "national" of any State includes also any person who, without being a national of that State, is resident or has a real and effective industrial or commercial establishment in the territory of the said State;
(vii) "International Bureau" means the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization and, as long as it subsists, the United International Bureaux for the Protection of Intellectual Property (BIRPI);
(viii) "national Office" means the national Office of a Contracting State competent in matters concerning industrial designs;
(ix) "regional Office" means the Office common to several Contracting States referred to in Article 30 of the 1960 Act;
(x) "International Register" means the International Register of Industrial Designs;
(xi) "international deposit" means the deposit of one or more industrial designs for which recording in the International Register has been requested or effected;
(xii) "international deposit governed exclusively by the 1934 Act" means an international deposit in respect of which only the 1934 Act is applicable because either the depositor is a national of a State bound by the 1934 Act but not by the 1960 Act, or the depositor, being a national of a State bound by both the 1934 Act and the 1960 Act, has not designated, under Rule 5.1(c)(i), a State bound by the 1960 Act;
(xiii) "international deposit governed exclusively by the 1960 Act" means an international deposit in respect of which only the 1960 Act is applicable because either the depositor is a national of a State bound by the 1960 Act but not by the 1934 Act, or the depositor, being a national of a State bound by the 1960 Act and the 1934 Act, has designated, under Rule 5.1(c)(i), one or more States bound by the 1960 Act and has renounced the effects of the deposit in the States bound by the 1934 Act;
(xiv) "international deposit governed partly by the 1960 Act" means an international deposit in respect of which the 1960 Act and the 1934 Act are applicable because the depositor is a national of a State bound by the 1960 Act and by the 1934 Act and has designated, under Rule 5.1(c)(i), one or more States bound by the 1960 Act without renouncing the effects of the deposit in the States bound by the 1934 Act;
(xv) "application" means the application for recording of an international deposit in the International Register;
(xvi) "depositor" means the natural person or the legal entity in whose name the application is filed;
(xvii) "owner" means the natural person or the legal entity whose name is recorded in the International Register as the owner of the international deposit;
(xviii) "legal entity" includes also any association of natural persons or legal entities which, under the national law of the State according to which it is constituted, may acquire rights and assume obligations notwithstanding the fact that it is not a legal entity;
(xix) "multiple deposit" means an international deposit including several industrial designs;
(xx) "International Classification" means the classification set up under the Locarno Agreement Establishing an International Classification for Industrial Designs;
(xxi) "Bulletin" means the periodical publication containing the data relating to international deposits whatever the medium used for that publication.
Rule 2
Representation Before the International Bureau
2.1 Appointment of a Representative
(a) A representative shall be regarded as a duly appointed representative if his appointment complies with the prescriptions of paragraphs (b) to (h).
(b) The appointment of any representative shall require:
(i) that his name appear as that of a representative in the application and that such application bear the signature of the depositor, or
(ii) that a separate power of attorney (i.e., a document appointing the representative), signed by the depositor or the owner, be filed with the International Bureau.
(c) The depositor and the owner may appoint only one representative.
(d) Where several natural persons or legal entities have been indicated as representatives, the natural person or legal entity first mentioned in the document in which they are indicated shall be regarded as the only duly appointed representative.
(e) Where a partnership or firm composed of attorneys or patent or trademark agents has been indicated as representative, it shall be regarded as one representative.
(f) (i) Where there are several depositors, they shall appoint a common representative. In the absence of such appointment, the depositor first mentioned in the application shall be considered the duly appointed common representative of all the depositors.
(ii) Where there are several owners, they shall appoint a common representative. In the absence of such appointment, the natural person or legal entity first mentioned among the said owners in the International Register shall be considered the duly appointed common representative of all the owners.
(iii) Subparagraph (ii) shall not apply to the extent that different persons or entities become owners in respect of different Contracting States or different designs.
(iv) Where there are several depositors or owners, the document containing or constituting the appointment of their common representative shall be signed by all of them.
(g) Any document containing or constituting the appointment of a representative shall indicate his name and his address. Where the representative is a natural person, his name shall be indicated by his family name and given name(s), the family name being indicated before the given name(s). Where the representative is a legal entity or a partnership or firm of attorneys or patent or trademark agents, "name" shall mean the complete name of the legal entity or partnership or firm. The address of the representative shall be indicated in the same manner as that provided for in respect of the depositor in Rule 5.1(a)(iv).
(h) The document containing or constituting the appointment shall contain no words which, contrary to Rule 2.2, would limit the powers of the representative to certain matters or exclude certain matters from the powers of the representative or limit such powers in time.
(i) [Deleted]
(j) Where the appointment does not comply with the requirements referred to in paragraphs (b) to (h), it shall be treated by the International Bureau as if it had not been made, and the depositor or the owner as well as the natural person, the legal entity, the partnership or the firm which was indicated as the representative shall be informed accordingly by the International Bureau.
(k) The Administrative Instructions shall provide recommended wording for the appointment.
2.2 Effect of Appointment
Any invitation, notification or other communication addressed by the International Bureau to the duly appointed representative shall have the same effect as it would have had if it had been addressed to the depositor or the owner. Any document requiring the signature of the depositor or the owner in any procedure before the International Bureau, except the document appointing the representative or revoking his appointment, may be signed by the duly appointed representative of the depositor or of the owner, and any communication from the duly appointed representative to the International Bureau shall have the same effect as it would have had if it had been effected by the depositor or the owner.
2.3 Revocation or Renunciation of Appointment
(a) The appointment of any representative may be revoked at any time by the natural person who or legal entity which has appointed that representative. For the purposes of the International Bureau, the revocation shall be effective even if only one of the natural persons who or legal entities which have appointed the representative revokes the appointment, and it shall take effect as soon as the International Bureau receives the document referred to in paragraph (b).
(b) Revocation shall require a written document signed by the natural person or the legal entity referred to in paragraph (a).
(c) The appointment of a representative as provided in Rule 2.1 shall be regarded as the revocation of any earlier appointment of any other representative. The name of the other earlier appointed representative shall preferably be indicated.
(d) Any representative may renounce his appointment by means of a notification signed by him and addressed to the International Bureau.
2.4 General Powers of Attorney
The appointment of a representative in a separate power of attorney may be general in the sense that it relates to more than one application or more than one international deposit in respect of the same natural person or legal entity. The Administrative Instructions shall provide for the identification of such applications and such international deposits, as well as other details in respect of such general power of attorney and of its revocation or renunciation. They may provide for a fee payable in connection with the filing of general powers of attorney.
2.5 Substitute Representative
(a) The appointment of the representative referred to in Rule 2.1(b) may indicate also one or more natural persons as substitute representatives.
(b) For the purposes of the second sentence of Rule 2.2, substitute representatives shall be considered representatives.
(c) The appointment of any substitute representative may be revoked at any time by the natural person who or legal entity which has appointed the representative or by the representative. Revocation shall require a written document signed by the said natural person, legal entity or representative. It shall be effective, as far as the International Bureau is concerned, as from the date of receipt of the said document by that Bureau.
2.6 Recording, Notification and Publication
Each appointment of a representative or of a substitute representative, its revocation and its renunciation shall be recorded in the International Register, shall be notified to the depositor or to the owner, and shall be published.
Rule 3
The International Register
3.1 Contents of the International Register; Keeping of the International Register
(a) The International Register shall contain, in respect of each international deposit:
(i) all the indications that must or may be furnished under the Agreement or these Regulations, and that have in fact been furnished, to the International Bureau, with the exception of those indications referred to in Rule 5.1(a)(iv), second sentence, (vii), (b)(ii), (c)(ii) and (iii);
(ii) the number and the date of the international deposit and the numbers, if any, and the dates of all recordings relating to that deposit.
(b) In the case of international deposits governed exclusively by the 1934 Act, the International Register shall mention, where appropriate, in addition to the indications referred to in paragraph (a), the date on which the sealed envelope or packet was opened.
(c) In the case of international deposits which are governed exclusively or partly by the 1960 Act, the International Register shall contain, in addition to the indications referred to in paragraph (a), the reproduction of photographs or other graphic representations filed.
(d) The Administrative Instructions shall regulate the establishment of the International Register, and, subject to the Agreement and these Regulations, shall specify the form in which it shall be kept and the procedure which the International Bureau shall follow for making recordings therein and for preserving it from loss or other damage.
Rule 4
Depositor; Owner
4.1 The Same Depositor for All States
(a) The depositor shall be the same for all States.
(b) Where the application, as filed, does not indicate the same depositor for all States designated under Rules 5.1(c)(i), it shall be treated as if only the State first mentioned therein, and any other State for the purposes of which the same depositor is indicated as for the said first-mentioned State, had been designated.
4.2 Several Owners
Several natural persons or legal entities may be owners of one and the same international deposit provided they are all nationals of Contracting States.
Rule 5
Mandatory Contents of the Application
5.1 Mandatory Contents of the Application
(a) Any application shall contain:
(i) an indication to the effect that it is filed under the Agreement;
(ii) an indication of the depositor"s name; if the depositor is a natural person, his name shall be indicated by his family name and given name(s), the family name being indicated before the given name(s); if the depositor is a legal entity, its name shall be indicated by the full, official designation of the said entity;
(iii) an indication of the State of which the depositor has the nationality, the State of which he is a resident and the State where he has a real and effective industrial or commercial establishment; where the depositor has a real and effective industrial or commercial establishment in more than one of the States party to the Agreement, only one such State may be indicated in the application;
(iv) the depositor"s address, indicated in such a way as to satisfy the customary requirements for prompt postal delivery at the indicated address and consisting, in any case, of all the relevant administrative units up to, and including, the house number, if any. Any telephone or telefacsimile numbers that the applicant may have should preferably also be indicated. For each depositor, only one address shall be indicated; if several

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