Рекомендация n 20 европейской экономической комиссии оон"коды для единиц измерения, используемых в международной торговле" (ece/trade/273) [рус., англ.](принята в г. женеве 26.03.2001 - 29.03.2001 на 7-ой сессии центром по упрощению процедур торговли и электронным деловым операциям)

often referred to as "United States of America customary units" are generally the same as those of the imperial system; there are, however, some important exceptions for capacity, length and weight units. Private and official action is taken in the United States of America to increase the use of SI units.
19. The names of SI, imperial and other units of measure are standardized as are their symbols. Laws and regulations affecting foreign trade often make the use of these symbols obligatory when an abbreviated version of the name of a unit is required.
20. ISO 1000 includes rules for writing SI units and symbols: clause 6.1 is reproduced below:
"6.1 Unit symbols shall be printed in roman (upright) type (irrespective of the type used in the rest of the text), shall remain unaltered in the plural, shall be written without a final full stop (period) except for normal punctuation, e.g. at the end of a sentence, and shall be placed after the complete numerical value in the expression for a quantity, leaving a space between the numerical value and the unit symbol".
Unit symbols shall in general be written in lower case letters except that the first letter is written in upper case when the name of the unit is derived from a proper name.
m metre
s second
A ampere
Wb weber
21. The following principles for establishing the code list are reflected in the present Recommendation. Only standard multiples such as mega, giga, shall be used. Non standard multiples such as 10 mega, 100 mega shall not be coded as separate units. Numeric values, e.g. 10, 25, are not units of measure. Therefore they shall not be presented in coded form.
22. The code list is presented as a table with the following columns:
a) Change indicator (CI)
Indication of the changes applied with this release of the codes list.
a plus sign (+) for an addition
a hash sign (#) for changes to the code name
a vertical bar (|) for changes other than code name, e.g. level
a letter D (D) temporary indicator, for units not recommended
(deprecated), pending final decision before
2001-02-16 by the Bureau International des
Poids et Mesures BIPM
a letter X (X) for marked for deletion in this edition
(will not appear in the next edition)
b) Quantity
The name of the physical phenomenon being measured.
- In levels 1 and 2 (SI or SI equivalent), the phenomena pertaining to a certain category are listed under a heading giving the name of the relevant part in ISO 31.
- In level 3 they are broken down into the 9 categories as defined in this recommendation.
c) Level / category
Identification of the normative or informative relevance of the unit:
level 1 - normative = SI units, standard and commonly used multiples
level 2 - normative equivalent = SI equivalent units (UK, US, etc.) and commonly used multiples
level 3 - informative = 9 categories of units given for information only:
3.1 Qualified base units from levels 1 and 2
3.2 Sales units
3.3 Packing units
3.4 Shipping and transportation units
3.5 Industry specific units (various)
3.6 Information technology units
3.7 Integers / Numbers / Ratios
3.8 Multiples / Fractions / Decimals
3.9 Miscellaneous (note: some of these may be repositioned after final review with the affected parties)
These categories are further sub-divided into sub-categories:
A for international use
B for regional use with international potential
C regional or sectoral use only
d) Name
The name of the unit of measure taken from the reference documents
e) Description
A plain text specification of the named unit of measure, not exceeding 350 characters in length and in English. It should be noted that such descriptions shall be progressively introduced for existing entries and where appropriate, shall be taken from recognized sources. All new entries shall be applied to the code list with a description
f) Conversion factor
The value used to convert units to the equivalent SI unit when applicable
g) Representation symbol
The symbol used to represent the unit of measure as in ISO 31
h) Reference codes
The corresponding code values as specified in the following source reference documents:
- Code for units of measure, UN/ECE Recommendation 20, edition 1985
- fixed length (three characters) alphabetic coded representations;
- fixed length (three characters) numeric coded representations.
- Code for package type names, UN/ECE Recommendation 21 "Codes for passengers, types of cargo, package and packaging material".
- fixed length (two characters) alphanumeric coded representations.
Note: Only those codes considered applicable are included.
- ANSI ASC X12 Code for unit of measure specified for data element number 355, fixed length (two characters) alphanumeric coded representations.
i) Common code
This is the recommended single list of standard codes which is based on the following conventions:
- The representation format for the code values shall be alphanumeric variable length 3 characters (an..3); wherever possible, existing code values are retained according to the following order of precedence for assigning values:
a) alphabetic code values for units of measure as in UN/ECE Recommendation 20, edition 1985
b) alphanumeric code values for units of measure as in ANSI ASC X12 data element number 355
NOTE: Where there are both UN/ECE Recommendation 20 and ASC X12 data element number 355 code values for a unit of measure, the UN/ECE Recommendation 20 code value only is retained.
c) code values for new units of measure shall be allocated by the UN/ECE Secretariat based on sequential coding according to the format Alpha-Numeric-Numeric (ann) starting with A01 up to Z99.
j) 3 Annexes with cross reference number
For ease of use, the code list is presented in three separate annexes. The cross reference number is provided to facilitate moving from one annex to another annex.
- Annex I - Code elements listed by quantity category. The columns represented in this annex are:
- Change indicator,
- Quantity,
- Level / category,
- Name,
- Conversion factor,
- Representation symbol,
- Cross reference number.
- Annex II - Code elements listed by unit of measure name. The columns represented in this annex are:
- Change indicator,
- Name,
- Representation symbol,
- Common code,
- Level / category,
- Cross reference number,
- Description.
- Annex III - Code elements listed by common code. The columns represented in this annex are:
- Change indicator,
- Common code,
- Name,
- Level / category,
- Reference codes,
- Cross reference number.
23. This Recommendation shall be maintained on behalf of UN/CEFACT by the UN/CEFACT Codes Working Group (CDWG).
24. Proposals for updating this Recommendation should be addressed to the Trade Facilitation Section, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Palais des Nations, CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland or via e-mail to: [email protected]
25. Draft revisions to the body text and / or code list of this Recommendation shall be issued by the CDWG when required and shall be made available on the CDWG Web page: http://www.unece.org/cefact/
26. Draft revisions shall be subject to a public comment period of at least two months. UN/CEFACT Heads of Delegation shall be notified of the availability of a draft revision and the period for comment. Following the conclusion of the comment period, the CDWG shall address all comments received. Depending on the comments received, the CDWG shall issue a new draft revision or shall prepare a final revision for approval.
27. Final revisions of the body text of this Recommendation shall be approved by the UN/CEFACT Plenary.
28. Final revisions of the code list of this Recommendation shall be approved by the CDWG Plenary or in the case where the body text has also been revised, by the UN/CEFACT Plenary.

РЕКОМЕНДАЦИЯ n 19 Европейской экономической комиссии ООН"КОДЫ ВИДОВ ТРАНСПОРТА" (второе издание) (ece/trade/272) [рус., англ.](Принята в г. Женеве 26.03.2001 - 29.03.2001 на 7-ой сессии Центром по упрощению процедур торговли и электронным деловым операциям)  »
Международное законодательство »
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